Monday, November 26, 2012

How to Make Money Using Remote Site Syndication

Technology is essentially anything which can aid in our daily lives. Since technology the human survival rate has increased, and so has our efficiency at performing tasks, entertaining ourselves and just about everything else.

Thus, it comes as no surprise that technology also now play a vital role in another one of mankind's infamous creations, money. The internet was a creation which has grown to become a pioneer of online marketing and trading, in addition to being the biggest breakthrough in communication by mankind thus far.

One of the many things which the internet has brought with it is arrival is the program of RSS, now RSS can be expanded to mean Remote Site Syndication. It is basically a tool which is used to create a link between an interested subscriber and your website. The function of this link is to update the people who have subscribed with your website with instant updates on the latest news, promotions, events or just about anything else which your website may want its subscribers to know.

As you all have probably already figured out, these people whom subscribe to your website are obviously the people whom are interested in your business, regardless of whether it is as a customer, a long term client, or even a fellow competitor in a similar industry hoping to get the latest scoop on what you are doing to market your products or services.

How does all this help in making you money? Well asides from giving you the golden opportunity of keeping customers fully updated on your promotions and offers, you are also keeping yourself relevant in their minds. By constantly having updates, the chances of the customer remembering you us a lot higher, as every single time they open their e-mail they are able to see an update from your site. Allowing you to be the first source they think about when they are planning to purchase a product or service from your industry.

In addition to that, RSS also allows your websites content to be updated, changed and published easily. This is extremely important, as a website which is updated constantly has a high chance of breaching the higher ranks of search engine searches. Search engine searches, is the one thing which is responsible for giving your website the exposure it requires. If your website does not rank somewhere at the top of search engine searches, you can consider your internet business venture a complete failure. In light of that, the features of RSS which keeps your website updated combined with its ability to generate traffic, makes it one of the key methods of making money online.

If you want to learn more on how your business can increased traffic go to and enjoy the true benefits that comes with more visitors in your business.

The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   Choosing an RSS Reader   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   

How to Get Traffic to Your Blog Using RSS Feeds

RSS feeds can get traffic easily and in significant amounts to your blog.

What is RSS?

RSS means really simple syndication. It is a method to share content of a website with its readers. RSS provides news about new content added to a website to the readers. These feeds are read through RSS readers. RSS reader is a popular tool used by blog readers. RSS gives the information about the changes in the blog without visiting the blog URL again and again. RSS is also called Rich Site Summary. So, RSS save time and work for readers and thus have changed itself to most popular blogging tool.

Now we know the importance of RSS to readers but how does it helps blog owners?

The blog owner decides and controls the content to be published through RSS feeds. So it gives you the facility to publicize your blog and attract your readers. The basic aim of maintaining a blog is to have a good number of readers. This job is simplified by use of RSS.

Role of RSS to increase traffic to the blog

Whenever changes are made to the blog, RSS feeds tell the blog readers about these changes. Therefore, pointing them to visit your blog. So it does the hard job of maintaining the interest of regular blog readers, which is most important for any blogger. Regular readers are also important because they advertise your blog through social bookmarking sites and Social Network sites like twitter to others for free. The traffic earned through RSS feed and the number of visitors that follow your RSS is known RSS traffic. RSS traffic forms a major part of internet traffic.

RSS feeds are also used to tell other readers about your website. If there are any partner websites which share content about your website then, RSS acts as a tool to provide this information to all regular readers of that website.

How to get RSS installed to your website?

All blogging websites and software gives RSS facility. All you need to do is to place a RSS button on almost every page of your blog. Also tools like Feedburner are available which provide you more facilities in your feeds.

You need to decide the content that you would share on RSS. Good feeds can earn you large number of visitors whereas bad feeds can even drop the number of your loyal readers. The blog owner is the one who controls his RSS feeds and decides a blog's success.

How to get RSS traffic?

Achieving RSS traffic is a simple task. Just follow these steps.

1. Publish useful and quality content. If you want any kind of visitors to your blog, your content must be informative and useful to them.

2. Publish full RSS feeds. Hiding content in fear of theft, leads to great drop in RSS traffic. People never like to read partial content.

3. Provide relevant information about RSS feeds and what you offer in them through articles in your blog. You can also give subscriptions in other forms like emails. This helps you reach larger number of people also compared to when you only use RSS subscription.

4. Apart from RSS subscriptions and content sharing through social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. This also causes significant increase in your traffic.

5. Tell your readers about your RSS feeds through your articles and comments. Inform them about this easy to use feature and ask them to subscribe it.

The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   Choosing an RSS Reader   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   

Adding RSS Feeds for Your Website and Improve Online Marketing of Your Business

One of the important things that you have to consider if you want to market your business online of if you want to start a profitable online business through your website is to make sure you have a website that is profitable and well-set up. One way is to find good RSS feeds for your website.

RSS feeds are actually updates from your favorite websites that run automatically on your site. Likewise, other websites can also subscribe to your feed and get updates from your website as well. Aside from getting and sending updates conveniently, there are also other great benefits that this feed can give to your site.

One of the greatest advantages of having these feeds for your website is updated content. Of course, as updates from your favorite websites are published automatically through your feed, your site will automatically have updated contents as well. It is just important that you subscribe feeds that are related to your site and that contents are of interest to your online readers as well. This way, your readers will also be interested in the contents of your feeds.

Aside from subscribing to RSS feeds of relevant websites, you can also add them to your site for others to subscribe to. This way, other websites and online readers who are interested in your site can also get updates from you. One advantage of this is boosting your traffic.

In any venture online, it is important that you have website with good traffic to be able to get potential customers and one way to get traffic to your site is by allowing online readers to come back to your site regularly through your RSS feeds. The more they get updates from your site, the more frequent they can visit your site as well.

Aside from that, your feeds can be a good tool to do business on your site. You can subscribe to RSS feeds as an affiliate and get a good feed of products and items for sale on your own website. This way, your site will be automatically updated with the latest products from the merchants site with ease and convenience.

In fact, you can add feeds for your website from popular affiliate sites such as ClickBank, eBay, Amazon and many others. With a good RSS subscription, you can sell and promote products from these sites almost automatically.

Of course, you have to make sure that you also choose RSS feeds of products that are relevant to your website niche. This way, you will have higher chances of getting purchases from your readers as well. Putting RSS feeds for your website can also be a good way to make money on your blog, or if you are putting up a website about your hobby or interests, these RSS feeds of affiliate links can also make you earn extra while sharing valuable information on your blog or website. One good thing about these feeds as well, is that, it requires little maintenance. In fact, you just leave them running on your site and it will generate you extra cash is you get customers for the merchant's products.

The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   

RSS Feed Submission Works for You

After purchasing a domain and getting it live, the main purpose of a website owner or a blogger is to drive more and more traffic to the website. The amount of traffic a website receives directly influences the website ranking and the popularity. One of the greatest and result delivering methods to improve the website traffic is the RSS feed submission that will help others find your website or the blog easy way. A wider range of visitors are expected as you resort to the RSS feeds.

Let's find out how it really works for you. But one thing to get clear is that it is quite simple and straightforward process of submission. Whenever your website or blog is updated or any new contents are posted on the blog, the RSS if set on your website would let your visitors find the news about the updated contents and the news. Moreover, this also delivers your website with a higher page ranking that ultimately enhances the worth of your website. A search engine recommends those websites for search results that have relatively higher page ranking. This eventually delivers the outcome in shape of higher traffic. The product and service promotion becomes much easier this way.

One of the greatest features the RSS feed submission has is making the website search engine friendly. As soon as your website is updated with new contents, the search engine become aware of that and more traffic is expected to be driven your website. RSS feeds would continue to work even if you do not update your website. Moreover, RSS feeds are very appealing and less annoying as compared to the emails and newsletters sending. Having good amount of subscription of your website updates would be more beneficial resulting in more website links on other blogs and websites.

The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

The Advantages of RSS Feeds To A Website

It can be found on just about any internet page today, the little square orange button that says "RSS;" not surprisingly, most viewers do not understand its significance. Whether it appears with the orange button or simply as a link or sign-up field, RSS - affectionately called Really Simple Syndication - is any page's best repeat visit friend. When signing on to a website's RSS feed, the ability is gained to easily read anything current from that site with any of a number of free RSS readers, such as Google Reader or FeedBurner. While at first appearance, this seems to be just a great reader convenience, it is actually much more than that and something that should be included in every website design

Visitor Feeds

From a reader's point of view, an RSS feed is a great way to keep up with current information from a particular person, business, or organization - and signing up is all that is required. News is provided by RSS updates, which are accessible in many ways and on many devices, providing readily accessible information otherwise missed through RSS updates. Additionally, by subscribing to only those pages of most interest, information overload can be decreased which allows for focusing on real items of interest in what is being read.

Website Feeds

An RSS feed is a valuable tool to keep users up-to-date and interested, leading to more visits and higher conversions. What news to include can be chosen and whether or not to allow the entire content to be read on the feed; if not, a link is provided and interested readers are directed to that specific article or update on the website. The impact that this can have is great; as not only does this help a business or organization become more familiar to a user due to frequent updates that link to an actual website; it also drives the most interested traffic to that point, which means having visitors who are most likely to take some kind of action. RSS is yet one more example of free advertising on the internet if properly utilized.

Creating RSS Feeds

It is fairly easy for an RSS feed to be included on a website and viewers allowed to follow the latest news. The most difficult part of the whole process is creating the XML code to link to news aggregations once the RSS code is submitted. This can be done either with special software or by entering it in text editor or notepad. There are free codes available online and all that needs to be done is fill in the particular information to create the feed. Code should be saved as an XML file.

Next, put an HTML or a button link somewhere on the website or even on every page, enabling readers to sign onto a website's automatic updates. The latest content can be viewed in whatever XML reader is preferred once the feed is active.

Once code has been written and saved and a link or button set up, the XML file can be submitted to any feed aggregation out there. There are many from which to choose; most are general and accept any type of websites, though some are more specialized feeds. The best suggestion is use the most recognizable names like FeedBurner, XML and any of the aggregations offered by specific browsers since these are the ones most likely to be used. Submission is done by simply uploading the XML file to the aggregation site so that anyone who has subscribed to the link will receive that feed in their reader.

It may take a little bit of practice to get it right; however, once the feed has been successfully set up, nothing more must be done other than adding fresh, original content regularly to the website. Trying feed code out at can allow for getting any kinks worked out before actually submission to any aggregations. Then just keep great content flowing to get the biggest benefit from having an RSS feed!

The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   Choosing an RSS Reader   

Entertainment RSS Delivered At Home

For the usage of the RSS feed one should have the feed reader called the aggregator. This tool is available online and hence it is easy for the readers to find such tool. The most important part is that this tool can be downloaded for free of cost.


This feed is mainly used in entertainment, news and for the blog creation. If the subscriber has subscribed to any of the news, then automatically if there is an update in that particular news then it is directly sent to the readers. Usually the headlines and some text will be published. If the reader wants more information about the news then they can just click the button and navigate to the information. In recent times this tool is also available in mobile phones as well as in the form of PDA's.

RSS feeds contain entertainment news such as CNN, BBC, Reuters etc. Adding to it, it has some interviews and also movies. Hence it makes easy for the fans to get the latest updates according to the taste of the viewer. This does not contain any spams. It is also available in a very pristine form.

Business people also use this RSS feed for reaching their customers. This makes them easy to get information immediately and also uncorrupted. Hence they can take the information at that instant.

To view about the entertainment feed one need not navigates pages after pages to search for particular information of their choice. If they have subscribed for the particular feed then they get the entire information in just one click. Hence by this process one can save lots of time in search of the information.

For the readers to make it easy, these feeds are available with just one click on the feed button. Sometimes, there are possibilities to paste the URL in the toolbar for subscriptions. These feeds can also be unsubscribed at any point of time when we feel that it is not necessary.

Even more interesting is the fact that these feeds has been categorised according to the interest. Hence it is easier to find the information. Another important use is the even the local news an also be subscribed. Adding to all these the readers are provided with headlines and few text. For more information the users can just click the button according to the interest. From this one has the control over the text.

One of the most popular search engines is the feedster. With this one is getting accessed to many news, stories, entertainment etc with the latest updates. Hence the viewers are getting the best news with all the updates in few seconds making it easier for everyone.

The Magic of RSS   How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines   The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   Choosing an RSS Reader   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

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